Deutsche Post DHL plans to create up to 10,000 new jobs by 2020

  • Rapid growth in parcel business requires additional resources
  • New DHL Delivery GmbH companies offer jobs at sector rates

Bonn, 01/22/2015, 10:15 AM CET

Deutsche Post DHL is set to create several thousands of jobs over the coming years. As a result of continued sustainable growth in the parcel business, the Group is anticipating an increased demand for labor equivalent to as many as 10,000 new positions by 2020 in parcel delivery. By 2025 the total number of new jobs could be as high as 20,000. For the purposes of operational implementation, new parcel delivery companies are to be founded under the umbrella of DHL Delivery GmbH. Indeed, these companies will be recruiting suitable employees over the coming weeks and months.

Staff working in the new companies shall be employed in line with the regionally applicable collective terms and conditions for the forwarding and logistics sector, as negotiated between industry employers’ associations and the trade union ver.di. The conditions in question substantially exceed minimum wage requirements.

Existing Deutsche Post AG employment contracts shall remain unaffected.


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