First Flight International Services

First Flight brings the same quality of service and value enjoyed by our domestic customers to international shipments. Along with on-time deliveries, we also give extra importance to the safety of your products. Therefore our customers can be relieved of all worries while dealing with us.

W.E.F. 01st November 2013

Albania 8 Dominica 8 Libya 8 Seychelles 8
Algeria 8 Ecuador 8 Liechtenstein 8 Sierra Leone 8
American Samoa 8 El Salvador 8 Luxembourg 4 Singapore 2
Andorra 8 Egypt 4 Macau 5 Slovakia 7
Angola 8 Equatorial-Guinea 8 Madagascar 8 Slovenia 7
Anguilla 8 Estonia 7 Malawi 8 Solomon Islands 8
Antigua 8 Ethiopia 8 Malaysia 3 Somalia 8
Alaska ** Faroe Islands 8 Maldives 5 South Africa 7
Argentina 6 Fiji Islands 5 Mali 8 South Korea 3
Armenia 7 Finland 4 Malta 6 Spain 3
Aruba 8 France 3 Martinique 8 Spanish Islands **
Australia 4 French Guyana 8 Mauritania 8 Sri Lanka (Colombo Only) 1
Austria 4 Gabon 8 Mauritius 7 St. Barthelemy 8
Azerbaijan 8 Gambia 8 Mexico 5 St. Croix 8
Bahamas 6 Germany 3 Micronesia 6 St. Eustatius **
Bahrain 3 Ghana 8 Micronesia Islands 8 St. Kitts 8
Bangladesh 1 Ghurnsey ** Moldova Republic 7 St. Lucia 8
Barbados 8 Gibraltar 4 Monaco 8 St. Maarten 8
Belarus 8 Greece 4 Mongolia 5 St. Thomas 8
Belgium 3 Greek Islands ** Montserrat 8 St. Vincent 8
Belize 8 Grenada 8 Morocco 6 Sudan 6
Benin 8 Guadloupe 8 Mozambique 8 Surinam 8
Bermuda 8 Guam 8 Myanmar 5 Swaziland 8
Bhutan 2 Guatemala 8 Namibia 8 Sweden 4
Bolivia 8 Guinea Bissau 8 Nauru 8 Switzerland 4
Bonaire 8 Guinea Republic 8 Nepal 1 Syria 5
Bosnia 7 Guyana 8 Netherland 3 Tahiti 5
Botswana 8 Haiti 8 New Caledonia 8 Taiwan 3
Brazil 6 Hawaii ** New Zealand 4 Tajikistan 8
British Virgin Islands ** Honduras 8 Nicaragua 8 Tanzania 7
Brunei 5 Hong Kong 3 Niger 8 Thailand 3
Bulgaria 7 Hungary 7 Nigeria 6 Tobago 8
Burkina Faso 8 Iceland 7 North Korea 5 Togo 8
Burundi 8 Indonesia 3 Norway 4 Tonga 5
Cambodia (Kampuchea) 5 Iran 5 Oman 3 Trinidad 8
Cameroon 8 Ireland 3 Pakistan 4 Tunisia 8
Canada 4 Isle of Man ** Panama 8 Turks/Caicos Islands **
Canary Islands ** Israel 8 Papua New Guinea 5 Turkey 4
Cape Verde 8 Italian Islands ** Paraguay 8 Turkmenistan 8
Cayman Islands 8 Italy 3 People’s Republic of China 4 Tuvalu 5
Central African Republic 8 Ivory Coast 8 Peru 8 Uganda 7
Chad 8 Jamaica 8 Philippines 3 Ukraine 7
Chile 6 Japan 4 Poland 7 United Arab Emirates 2
Columbia 8 Jersey ** Portugal 4 United Kingdom 3
Comoros Islands 8 Jordan 4 Portugal Islands ** United States of America 3
Congo 8 Kazakhistan 8 Puertorico 8 Uruguay 8
Cook Islands 8 Kenya 6 Qatar 3 Uzbekistan 8
Costa Rica 8 Kiribati 8 Reunion Islands 8 Vanuatu 5
Croatia 7 Kuwait 3 Romania 7 Venezuela 8
Cuba 8 Kyrgyzstan 8 Russia 7 Vietnam 5
Curacao 8 Laos 5 Rwanda 8 Western Samoa 8
Cyprus 5 Latvia 8 Saipan 8 Yemen 5
Czech. Republic 7 Lebanon 5 Sao Tome 8 Yugoslavia 7
Denmark 4 Lesotho 8 Saudi Arabia 4 Zambia 7
Djibouti 8 Lithuania 7 Senegal 8 Zaire 8
Domnican Republic 8 Liberia 8 Serbia 7 Zimbabwe 7

Gateways :

  1. For Entire Middle East – Mumbai/Delhi
  2. For European, African and American Countries – Mumbai/Delhi
  3. For Asia Pacific Countries – Mumbai/Chennai/Delhi
Express Documents
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8

Standard Up to 500 gm

Rs. 200/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 950/-
Rs. 1100/-

Rs. 1250/-

Rs. 1325/-
Rs. 1425/-
Rs. 1550/-

Every 500 gm addl. or its part thereof

Rs. 110/-
Rs. 180/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 350/-
Rs. 350/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 425/-
Rs. 425/-

Express Parcels / Non Documents

Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8

Standard Up to 500 gm

Rs. 200/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 950/-
Rs. 1150/-

Rs. 1300/-

Rs. 1400/-
Rs. 1500/-
Rs. 1650/-

Every 500 gm addl. or its part thereof

Rs. 110/-
Rs. 180/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 350/-
Rs. 350/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 425/-
Rs. 425/-

Fuel Surcharge 30% + Forex Surchage 15% mandatory.

Service Tax as applicable.

 Maximum weight of one package should not exceed 30 kg (for Express Shipment).

Automatic Risk Coverage:(Applicable only when ARC Surcharge is charged).

    For documents and parcels, the actual loss or Rs. 5,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- respectively  whichever     is less.

 Automatic Risk Coverage Surcharge:

For all non-documents (parcels) of value
Rs. 5,001/- to Rs. 10,001/-
Rs. 50/-
For every additional Rs.10,000/- value or part thereof Rs. 50/-
Non-document (parcel)valued over Rs. 25,000 for gift item and Rs 50,000 for samples is not acceptable.

Paper work for Non-documents/heavy shipments:

All Non-documents / Heavy Shipments must be accompanied by Invoice / Declaration, which should be typewritten on Company letter head and should be in one original and 7 copies duly completed with company seal and authorised signature.

Volumetric Weight:

Dead/Dry weight or Volumetric weight whichever is HIGHER should be taken while calculating the rates. Formula for arriving at Volumetric Weight :

Bulk cargo rates: Please enquire at your nearest First Flight office.
Note: Rates exclusive of service tax/ fuel surcharge
           Tariff subject to change without notice.

See Also